AED Program Management
AED Navigator
“Is your organization prepared for a sudden Cardiac Arrest Emergency?”
AED programs supported by AED Navigator constitute best industrial practices, and ensure compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations.
AED Navigator
Is our cloud-based web application, which provides all tracking, notifications, and resources necessary to ensure your AEDs and team are prepared to respond in an emergency. We go the extra mile to support you post-AED-use with AED loaners, critical incident stress debriefing, and more. DiPietro & Associates paves the path for comprehensive and unwavering AED support and thanks to our AED program management, you can take part in a reliable system designed with ease and usability in mind.
Various levels of program support lend to a customizable program, backed by reliable support services. AED Navigator streamlines all regulatory compliance points of a Public Access AED Program! Now supporting ZOLL AED3 Wifi communications. We’ve carefully crafted AED program management software to provide real-time, comprehensive data and analytics so that you not only respond in a timely manner but trust the equipment you depend on.
We Make it Easy
You can count on the professional representatives of DiPietro & Associates, Inc. to assist you in navigating your safety program by meeting with you for consultations, site assessments, product demonstrations and equipment familiarization training.
We will continue to support your program with onsite equipment inspections and testing, post-event support and more, all covered under the AED Navigator Subscription. With almost three decades of expertise and a long-standing reputation in AED support, you can rely on the professionals at D&A to deliver the support you need for AED program management.
Program Planning/Design
Recommendations on AED quantity/locations
Guidance on ADA compliance
Guidance on regulatory compliance
Policies & Procedures, SOP’s
EMS Registration
Medical Director oversight
Online Data Management
Automated reminders to inspect AEDs
AED inspection history storage
Track pad/battery expiration dates
Automated reminders for required maintenance
ZOLL AED3 Wifi inspection statuses, with AED Nav upgrade purchase
Track organization training certifications
Track/notification for FDA recalls or corrective actions
Escalated notifications to ensure organization compliance
Post Event Support
AED Loaner
Replacement of pads/batteries
AED event data download and review
Medical Director QA/QI
Critical Incident Stress debriefing as needed
Onsite Services
Semi-annual AED testing
Semi-annual AED Inspection
Monthly AED Inspection
Replacement of pads/batteries as needed
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What is AED Navigator Program Management?
“AED Navigator” is the program management product offered by DiPietro & Associates, Inc. (D&A). While it was originally designed to support public access AED programs, it has grown to cover first aid and stop-the-bleed programs as well. David DiPietro, founder and president of D&A, was a key team member involved in developing the Public Access Defibrillation guidelines and programs for the US Coast Guard, before bringing his expertise to the public. Now backed by over 25 years of experience with thousands of clients ranging from public schools, universities, and law enforcement agencies – to both small and global corporations, D&A has established AED Navigator with the goal of further increasing community outreach across the USA, expanding public access defibrillation and Stop-the-bleed program support, with the mission to effectively aid in the prevention of loss of lives due to sudden cardiac arrest and life-threatening bleeding. Our highest priority is to assist with preparing you and your team to help save a life.
Since 1999, DiPietro & Associates, Inc. has been helping a range of industries and professions with lifesaving systems and solutions. Choose us for complete AED program management and more!
101 W McKnight Way, Suite B #255 Grass Valley CA, 95949