“AED Navigator” is the program management product offered by DiPietro & Associates, Inc. (D&A). While it was originally designed to support public access AED programs, it has grown to cover first aid and stop-the-bleed programs as well. David DiPietro, founder and president of D&A, was a key team member involved in developing the Public Access Defibrillation guidelines and programs for the US Coast Guard, before bringing his expertise to the public. Now backed by over 25 years of experience with thousands of clients ranging from public schools, universities, and law enforcement agencies – to both small and global corporations, D&A has established AED Navigator with the goal of further increasing community outreach across the USA, expanding public access defibrillation and Stop-the-bleed program support, with the mission to effectively aid in the prevention of loss of lives due to sudden cardiac arrest and life-threatening bleeding. Our highest priority is to assist with preparing you and your team to help save a life.
Product Features
Program Planning/Design
Medical Direction
Online Data Management
EMS Notification
Post-Event Consultation and Debriefing
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101 W McKnight Way, Suite B #255
Grass Valley CA, 95949
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